Login | In order to get access to certain content of this website you need to be logged in with deposited account data. Depending on the used access data - consisting of username and related password - a registered member can expand the users rights by logging in.

Attention | To be on the safe side don't forget to log out before you leave our website. This is extraordinary important if there is a chance that other people than you get access to the used device. We strictly recommend not to save access data in the browser for the same reason as above! By the way please note that open sessions are beeing closed automatically after 15 minutes if meanwhile there was no communication with the server. Subsequently the user is logged out and unsaved changes will be lost!

Registration | New users are added exclusively by the WebAdmin - we explicitly do not want to offer self-registration.

Privacy | We waive personal data from our users to grant highest possible privacy. The administration of the complete website is in our hand, our hosters servers are located in Germany and all data transmission is encrypted. Contact data for communication with our teachers (especially used email adress) is natural confidental and will not be given away to third party.

Cookies | Please read our notes about the usage of cookies.